Last Updated on August 31, 2021 by Thinkster
The adage that children grow up too fast surely applies that first time they bring home algebra homework. They’ve brought home linear equations homework, but wasn’t it just yesterday that your kids were practicing addition with flash cards? Part of the reason this seems so soon is because it is sooner: As part of their math curriculum, many children are being taught algebra, a subject their parents likely didn’t learn until at least eighth grade. And they need some sixth-grade math help.
The topics in algebra taught at this age draw upon math skills already learned, but the introduction of new concepts, such as exponents, parentheses, and coefficients can overwhelm even the strongest math students. Help might be necessary for kids struggling with algebra. Some hard work may lie ahead, but sixth-graders can learn, and master algebra.
Real-World Algebra
Parents can encourage their children to find ways to apply math to everyday situations. Older tweens might resist the math activities they enjoyed when they were younger, but you can still offer help that doesn’t involve formal homework. For example:
Extra Help
A sixth-grade child struggling with algebra may need more structured math help beyond the extra worksheets and lessons you can find on the Web. If you are looking for tutoring options, online programs may provide a viable option with a curriculum geared towards a sixth-grade math help. Kids who feel overwhelmed with traditional teaching of algebra might benefit from an at-home, iPad-based instruction that offers personalized lesson plans and innovative techniques that can help them thrive.
Algebra Overload: Parent Edition
Many parents may feel challenged to offer help when the algebra that students encounter is over their heads as well. Don’t be afraid to relearn some of the concepts your kids are learning. Equation-solving websites are plentiful and easy to find; they aren’t necessarily recommended for students, but if you can’t quite figure out if your child arrived at a right answer, they can provide one and even show you how.
Does your child need sixth-grade math help with algebra?