Rave media reviews from
See Below Actual Case Studies of Students Showing Incredible Performance Improvement with the Seven-Step Thinkster Method
Teach Math In a Way That Will Make Your Child Remember It For Life
Hyper-Personalize Content for Your Child
Provide a Dedicated Elite Tutor to Monitor, Coach and Provide Feedback Daily
Achieve Mastery & Accelerate Learning By Providing Insights Into Your Child's Performance
Provide Timely Assistance to Help Your Child When They Solve Math Problems
Ensure That Your Child Remains Engaged
Make Learning Math Convenient
Thinkster Math Tutoring Case Studies
“Thinkster Math did it in 1 year what Kumon could not do in 3 years!”

“My daughter went from 'bombing math' and being in “danger zone” to showing growth that was 80% above her state peers after using Thinkster.”

"It’s amazing what a year of Thinkster can do! Her teacher told me it’s the first time she saw any of her students score higher than a fifth grader! We are doing something right!”

"Before starting Thinkster, Kiara was falling behind in Math, but these days she tackles complex word problems and has built strong calculation skills which have led her to achieve the highest band in the Australian Naplan National Test.”

“...Thanks to his tutor and Thinkster, Soham has scored 86% in his state level and one of the highest in his campus...”

"Thinkster Math helped Suprav in building more confidence in math by identifying his strong and weak areas and working on them gradually to advance Suprav beyond his grade level which helped him achieve top scores no only in his class but also in his MAP tests”

Figure on right showing Thinkster student Georgia’s score of 93% in the International MAP Math test. Georgia has been a Thinkster student for 2 years and in that time her MAP results have increased over 20%.

Literally, Off The Charts Performance!!

Literally, Off The Charts Performance!!

"Carys is a hard worker and takes school very seriously. She strives to be the best in everything she does. Carys was the only 4th grade girl in her school to obtain National Honorable Mention for the Noetic Learning Math Contest. We are very proud of her!"

“Adrian, on the right, did amazingly well in the 5th grade NAPLAN National Test scoring in the highest possible band. He has been with Thinkster for several years!”

We Make Happy Parents & Students
Parents, Just Like You, Have Seen How We Help Improve Math Scores and Confidence!
“I think the biggest thing for us is that we just don't have to deal with the tears and the frustration anymore.
He's just more confident, he's willing and he likes to learn... and I think Thinkster gave that to him."
Fiona saw something online about Thinkster, watched a video, and liked that her son could do it at home. Thinkster gave their family the flexibility that they needed, and the ability to do it whenever it worked in their schedule. She also immediately loved the ability to personalize the learning plan, because her son could work on the things that he was really struggling with.
Hear More About Fiona’s Story“I can say that Adam continuing to work with Thinkster and work on his math skills has improved his confidence and his willingness to even work at math, an area where he had struggled before joining Thinkster."
Her younger son started having some struggles in the classroom and parents wanted to help him succeed in the classroom, keep up with his peers, and increase his confidence level with his math skills. Her son was getting so frustrated that they were getting reports from school teachers that he was flat-out refusing to continue to do his work.
After joining Thinkster, their son now really enjoys doing Math. He has a great relationship with his tutor. He did amazingly well in his school and state benchmark assessment and his scores were outstanding. Jenny’s son now feels more confident about Math.
Hear More About Jenny’s Story“We are in love with Thinkster because it has made our kids competitive in terms of their state testing. Thinkster has made our kids perform competitively with their peers. It has also given them a lot of confidence in their abilities as math students."
The Germann family started searching for a math program in the summer of 2019 for their three children. All kids had different reasons of needing extra math support, and ultimately Lisa wanted all of their kids’ state-wide test scores to be competitive. Their kids’ school report cards always looked okay, so they thought their kids were doing well. But when they got their MAP state test scores, the kids were bombing in math.
They joined Thinkster and started seeing phenomenal improvements and growth with their MAP scores. Their middle daughter’s growth was 80% above that of their peers!
Hear More About Lisa’s Story"I have 4 kids using Thinkster for the last 3 months. All of my kids are progressing really well. I like the curriculum, I find that there is plenty of practice and analytical thinking with word problems not just route memorization.
I also love our tutor. Sabrina is great… she is engaging and is definitely challenging my kiddos."
Once Natalia’s four children were out of the Montessori school system, their family decided that they needed to keep up the pace that they were doing with math.
They tried different programs for four or five years with their kids, but they still weren’t happy. They did not want a program that helped only with memorizing concepts, but wanted one that had more word problems and would make their kids think.
And that's one of the things that they like about Thinkster. They really liked the trial experience and the word problems our curriculum has. Natalia wanted her kids to actually sit down, read a problem and really think through it. Thinkster really helped them acquire this skill!
Hear More About Natalia’s Story"The quality of the tutor that we have been paired with… I couldn’t have interviewed and picked one better myself.
Her way of working with my daughter has built her confidence back up in a way where she realizes now that she is smart in math. She just learns differently than other students and needs that time and support to get the concepts and do the work.”
Sahra’s daughter started falling behind in math, and the combination of living in a rural area + personal health difficulties placed a heavy burden on the family’s schedule.
Sahra began searching around for math tutoring programs and found Thinkster.
Right away, Sahra began noticing a change in her daughter’s confidence. She loves how her daughter gets immediate feedback if an answer is wrong and then has the opportunity to go back to get the question right. Plus, her daughter LOVES spending time on the iPad as it makes it more fun -- even when it’s math!
Hear More About Sahra’s Story"Why I love Thinkster is it has become a natural extension of our life and our daughter’s learning. A complement to school and a complement to how we like to live. You don’t feel like you’re interrupting your routine. You don’t feel like you’re doing something that is hard to fit into life.”
Joshua noticed that his daughter seemed to always be a bit nervous and hesitant when it came to math. Going back to Kindergarten, she was a strong reader, but had an “I’m not as good at math” attitude. It was important to him to help boost her confidence in math.
Thinkster fits into their schedule easily, and became a verb around the house - “Do your Thinkster!”
He finds the app and program to be very intuitive, and particularly liked the ability to have a coach review and give feedback on work.
Hear More About Joshua’s StoryUsed By Thousands Of Students From 30+ Countries.
"Thinkster Math has been so amazing. The focus is on math but our son has improved in all subjects because he has gained so much confidence from figuring out how to study properly. It’s also so convenient to do the worksheets on an iPad at home and to do the tutoring sessions on our own time rather than the store hours of a tutoring place like Kumon."
"Thinkster Math are great for the kids who wants to take math challenges. They are not like other math classes which work on their own pattern. If kids are doing well and taking higher level challenges Thinkster Math is the first choice. Coaches are really good and detail oriented. Happy to enroll my kid here."
“Amazing!!!… My math skills have improved and I’m getting better grades in math class. This app really does help me a lot!!!”
“This is the first online Math program that has kept my daughters attention and I feel like she is truly learning and progressing! Love that she has a weekly LIVE tutoring session! She loves to earn points to get a reward each month!”
“It helps me a lot in math, and it sharpens my mind a lot. I definitely recommend it to people. Thinkster is awesome!
“Thinkster is a very good math program! One thing I like about Thinkster Math is that my coach is very good! She explains topics very well, and gives me appropriate and challenging worksheets!”
“This is a great site for learning math. My math grade went from a C to and A+. THANK YOU THINKSTER MATH!!”
“Thinkster is a great opportunity for me to improve my math skills. It teaches me how to learn a different way and if helps make standardized tests easier.”
Intrigued? Want to See Your Child Get These Remarkable & Impressive Outcomes?
Continue Reading - We Are Going to Reveal The Proven 7-Step Method of Thinkster That We Guarantee Will Make Your Child a Math Champion Within a Few Short Months.
So, Who Is This For?

You Are a Parent Who Wants to See Your Child Do Well in Math
- 1 But struggling to find an alternative to Kumon that engages and motivates your child, and also gives them the ability to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills
- 2 Your child does not enjoy doing the repetitive worksheets from Kumon.
- 3 You are frustrated that Kumon does not give word problems to challenge your child.
- 4 Your child will take a second online practice test.
- 5 You find it difficult to travel to the Kumon center each week.
- 6 You want some added convenience with a higher quality math program.
Or, Maybe You Are a Mom or Dad, Motivated to Give Your Children the Best Education
- 1 But your kids are not showing any interest in math
- 2 You feel extremely frustrated
- 3 You know your children are intelligent, but you need to make them feel more confident and comfortable with math.
- 4 You struggle to get your kids to engage in any learning program.
- 5 You feel stressed to make sure that your kids can live up to their potential.

Here’s the Truth
You can increase your child’s math scores by 90% within 3-6 months by using services like Kumon, Mathnasium, or other tutoring companies if you can supplement what they do with a ton of personal effort from you or by hiring additional tutors to monitor your child’s work daily.

However, using other tutoring services is not going to solve this problem as -
- 1 They are not digitally designed (they barely are trying to gasp and catch up with video conferencing tools like Zoom because of COVID).
- 2 They use ineffective tools to grade and provide feedback or they expect you to do this work (they do not have a digitally designed platform like Thinkster does).
- 3 Most parents are not equipped to help their children achieve academic success as they don’t have the time or the underlying data to truly develop math and study skills and motivate their kids.
Here’s Our Research-Driven Foundational 7-Step Method That Has Been Making Math Champions Across The World.
Teach Math In a Way That Will Make Your Child Remember It For Life
Hyper-Personalize Content for Your Child
Provide a Dedicated Elite Tutor to Monitor, Coach and Provide Feedback Daily
Achieve Mastery & Accelerate Learning By Providing Insights Into Your Child's Performance
Provide Timely Assistance to Help Your Child When They Solve Math Problems
Ensure That Your Child Remains Engaged
Make Learning Math Convenient
Teach Math In a Way That Will Make Your Child Remember It For Life
Media 1 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
Researchers In Neuropsychology Have Found Three Specific Domains That Are Most Clearly Associated With Poor Math Performance
- 1 Many types of research have found that the reason why most students fail in math is not because they are inherently bad in math, or they don’t have an aptitude for math, or that they are afraid of math; they fail because they were not taught math correctly and did not understand the reason behind everything.
There are specific reasons why just
solutions to math problems simply does not work for many students. A review
neuropsychological research1 in math skills has found that many low
achievers in
math show weaknesses in skills that fall under the umbrella term
executive function .

- Have you ever gone shopping without a list, thinking you’ll remember everything you need…but realize when you get home that you forgot several items? If this has never happened to you, you’ve experienced the limitations of working memory. Working memory is the mental sticky-notes we use to keep track of information until we need to use it.
- Students use working memory to hold the new information of a word problem in their mind while connecting their prior knowledge on math fluency facts, such as addition and subtraction.
- Unfortunately working-memory is not in endless supply. It is possible to “overload” working memory. As math problems become longer, more involved, and procedurally complex, working memory is tasked to a greater degree. Students must remember multiple facts, procedures, and flexible strategies for solving problems at once.
If students can remember as few things as needed as possible, but derive other facts when needed in solving problems, they no longer have to overload their working memory. Learning math strategies is a HUGE help with the reduction of cognitive load.

- Solving math problems requires conceptualizing multiple solutions and choosing the best course of action. It also requires the ability to reflect upon already completed work, determine if the answer appears correct, and take new actions to self-correct if necessary. These steps require considerable mental flexibility.
- Students can learn this skill through mental and written modeling. With this approach students can think about the various approaches, try them out by writing them down, and see if their approaches are likely to make them arrive at the right solution.
- There is clear research evidence that “developing fluency of math facts and automaticity of math operations helps to improve math achievement.” The Automatic Information Processing Model states that we only have a certain amount of cognitive capacity at any given time.
- Completing math work relies heavily on working memory. So, if students are not fluent with math facts (example: using fingers to solve basic addition problems), they do not have any additional “cognitive space” for their working memory to complete any higher order thinking or problems. Students can build fluency by practicing multiple math problems using different strategies for problem-solving. By understanding the “why” behind the use of specific strategies, they will be better able to devote some of their cognitive load to executive functioning skills.
Hyper-Personalize Content for Your Child
Media 2 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
The Goldilocks Tasks - Sweet Spot for Flow & Mastery
Daniel Pink, Author of “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”
- In his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink indicates that everyone who works on any topic reaches a flow state, where people feel accomplished about their achievements.
- He essentially states that people aren’t seeking to be lazy, but would in fact pursue a feeling called ‘Flow’, a feeling that comes about when we are ‘stretched to our limits… to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile’ .
- He calls these activities as the ‘Goldilocks tasks’, in that they aren't too easy and they aren’t too hard. This feeling of Flow therefore tends to occur at the boundary of anxiety and boredom. .

So, How Do The Goldilocks Tasks Apply To Learning Math?
- Imagine, as a parent, someone walks up to you and asks you to show if you can count aloud from 1 to 100. Of course, you can easily do this, but you would be wondering what the purpose would be and would find this to be a totally pointless and boring exercise.
- HOn the flip side, imagine this same person walks over to you and asks if you can tell them how many Saturdays there are between January 1st, 1980 and December 31st, 2019. You will probably immediately determine that this is too hard of an exercise and might abandon the task. .

Hyper-personalization is the science of letting your child work on the “Goldilocks tasks” or “Just right math assignments/worksheets” at any given time. This enhances student engagement, motivation, development of positive attitudes, and ability to accelerate learning at the most optimal pace.
Students Excel When Operating In The Zone of Proximal Development
Zone of Proximal Development was developed by Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896 – 1934)

Teachers need to know what concepts each student -
- knows
- can work on with some help
- will struggle with if given too soon
to move them through the zone of proximal development and accelerate learning.
So, What Is The Point?
Every student needs to get personalized assignments that are targeted to their needs.
Absent this kind of a personalized approach, your child may continue to be at risk in not delivering the math improvements that you are seeking.
When we apply this approach, the student performance improvement is staggering .
As a parent, how can you solve for this hyper-personalization approach? Stick around for a bit and you will find out.
Get a Dedicated Elite Tutor or DIY
Media 3 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
Tutoring Has Outsized Impact on Student Performance Improvement
- Professor Bloom, Univ. of Chicago and Northwestern University, is an incredibly well known education researcher.
- In his most influential research on the impact of tutoring, he found a jaw dropping performance improvement - average students (who were at the 50th percentile in class) were able to move to the top of the class (performers in the 95th to 98th percentile) after getting tutored.

Rafael Nadal, Tennis Champion - Also Has A Coaching Team But Why Does He Have a Coach Even Though He is Already a Champion?
Currently ranked in the World’s top 3 players in men's singles tennis. Nadal has won 19 Grand Slam singles titles, the second-most in history for a male player, as well as a record 35 ATP Tour Masters 1000 titles, 20 ATP Tour 500 titles and the 2008 Olympic gold medal in singles.
Carlos Moya coaching Rafael Nadal
Toni Nadal, his uncle, coaching Rafael Nadal
Tony Robbins Has Coached These People - Because They Want Their Tomorrow to Be WAY BETTER than their TODAY!
- Tony Robbins is recognized as the most impactful and popular self-help coaches in the world. He grew up very poor. His stepfather, who was working as a salesman, struggled to take care of the family and often couldn’t even afford to celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas.
- He is the author of several best-selling books including, Money: Master the Game and Awaken the Giant Within. He has coached some of the most successful people in the world including celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, CEO of Salesforce Marc Benioff, and President Bill Clinton to name a few.
There Are 5 Clear Reasons Why Having A Personal Coach Works To Deliver Improved Math Results
Your child face any fear - have someone available to help with anxiety and face any fear of math your child may have.
Focus on your child’s specific goals - identifying and making sure that your child’s specific goals continue to remain the focus everyday.
Making your child accountable - to ensure that they are following up with your child on a regular basis to confirm that your child gets their work done.
Daily Monitoring & Feedback - someone who watches your child daily to ensure that they get help with trouble spots every day. This helps your child remain on track.
Create a personalized plan - to achieve success and become a math champion.
When you've found your elite dedicated tutor, you can guarantee that your child will begin to show amazing performance improvement.
In 3 months, your child will begin to surpass their peers. In 6 months, your child’s scores will have improved by 90%. And in a year, your child will be placed into Honors.
When you combine a highly motivated child with a elite dedicated tutor, you can achieve 90% improvement in math scores within 3-6 months.
Achieve Mastery & Accelerate Learning By Getting Insights Into Your Child’s Performance
Media 4 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
Get Insights Into Your Child’s Performance To Achieve Mastery & Accelerate Learning
- 1 Hire tutors who can give you daily or weekly insights on what your child needs to do to gain mastery in math. Getting access to more frequent data driven insights quicker, better, faster - is a huge advantage to improving student learning outcomes. Mastery learning ensures students obtain mastery in a given topic before moving on to the next unit. It is the approach that allows students to reach high levels of achievement given sufficient instruction, time and perseverance.
- 2 Ability to track and monitor performance improvement, from anywhere and at anytime, is important. It tells you that your child’s efforts are being rewarded and helps maintain student effort and gain confidence in the process being followed. This helps to accelerate progress and achieve learning goals for your child in the shortest time possible.

“Mastery learning ensures students obtain mastery in a given topic before moving on to the next unit. Any student following this approach can reach high levels of achievement given sufficient instruction, time and perseverance”.
Over a 50 year period, 1000+ articles and publications involving over 22,373
students conclusively proved that Mastery Learning worked to -
- Boost achievement levels
- Improve positive attitudes in students
- Give students more confidence when they’re learning new concepts.
- The effectiveness of mastery-based testing is increased when the amount of feedback on mastery tests/assignments is increased.
- The effectiveness of mastery testing is related to the rigor with which it is implemented.

Be in the know. Come to the easy way of life and learning with Thinkster!
Cohen (1987) observed that large instructional gains are possible when the curriculum, the instruction, and the measures of student progress are aligned
Such alignment facilitates -
- Increased instructional efficiency, because instructional activities are clearly focused.
- Student gains, because of the clear relationship between teacher effort and student outcomes.
- Positive student attitudes, because students are more likely to react positively to instruction that demonstrates a clear and consistent relationship between student investment in instruction and student test results

Without Data Driven Insights, Mastery Learning Is Not Possible
- Students fail in math not because they are not capable of being great math learners, or they are inherently challenged to understand math...
- They simply are not diagnosed to understand what their unique challenge areas in math.
- They are not clinically analyzed to understand what specific areas they struggling in and what is needed to improve their scores. This is where you need specific data-driven insights.
- Or they are taught by math tutors or joined tutoring companies that simply do not have the data to hyper-personalize their approach to each student.

Make Sure That Your Child Gets Timely Assistance When They Solve Problems
Media 5 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
Over 40 Years Of Research Confirms Timely Assessment & Feedback Cycle Has Significant Impact on Student Performance
- Darling-Hammond (2008) asserts that using feedback and formative assessment continuously has immeasurable implications for effective learning.
- Assessing student learning continuously, and providing clear and constant feedback leads to significant gains in student performance.
- Researchers, like Nicol and MacFarlane-Dick, suggest that crafting multiple low-stakes assignments creates positive motivational beliefs and self esteem among students. These help students gauge progress and achievements rather than focusing on success or failure.

Timely Help is Critical
- If your child doesn’t know something and you are not able to give timely help, it will only frustrate your child. Make sure that whenever your child is working on new concepts, you are available or have a private tutor available to not just explain concepts, but how to solve problems involving those concepts.

Ensure That Your Child Remains Engaged
Media 6 is a video explaining how to teach math to kids so that they remember it for life.
The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
"Expectancy-Value Model" of Learning
Zone of Proximal When Students Think What They're Learning Is Relevant To Their Lives, They Give It Greater V
Researchers had 262 9th and 10th-graders write essays.
Group A
Students improved their course grades compared with Group B and were more interested in taking science classes in the future (Science, 2009)
Group B
Wrote summaries of their science studies
Group A students improved their course grades compared with controls and were more interested in taking science classes in the future (Science, 2009).
"Expectancy-Value Model" of Learning
Let’s look at an example of engagement.
Suppose you are playing a game of soccer with your friends at school. Imagine the ball is being kicked around and every team is trying to score a goa
Do you just wait for the ball to come to you and then hope that you will be ready to kick it at that time?
Or, do you keep track of the ball, who is kicking it, which direction it is being kicked and how the ball finally gets to you?
It’s likely to be the latter, as what you do to kick the ball depends entirely on who passed the ball to you, for what reason, and what was their expectation of your action when that ball was passed to you. This means that you not only had to be absorbed in every kick that was made for the previous 10-15 minutes, but you are also acutely aware of the scoreboard and what is expected out of you to change or influence the score in your team’s favor.
This is how student engagement needs to be as well. they anticipating what is going to come next, why they are being asked to work on a particular set of math problems, and what the likely outcomes are going to be. Is your child being rewarded for this behavior? If your child does not understand all these and is not motivated to put this behavior into practice each day, you may see a lack of engagement.
Similarly, Parents Need To Remaining Engaged As Well
There is sufficient and strong evidence to show that when parents are heavily engaged or connected to their child’s work, there is a significant increase in student performance.
Your own engagement sends subtle and not-so subtle signals to your child about what is important and what is not. They take cues from your emotions as well.

Rewards, Recognition, Personalization - All Lead to Motivated Kids
- Is your child anticipating what is going to come next, why they are being asked to work on a particular set of math problems, and what the likely outcomes are going to be?
- Is your child being rewarded for this behavior as well?
- If your child does not understand all of these and is not motivated to put this behavior into practice each day, you may see a lack of engagement from your child.

Make Learning Math Convenient
Research Has Validated That Students Performed Significantly Better In Cognitive Achievement When Using Technology For Learning Convenience.
This is not surprising at all as students tend to perform better with the added convenience and benefits of technology. They get the following immediate benefits -
- Anytime, anywhere access to resources like online video tutorials and similar example problems - helps with timeliness in understanding concepts and solving problems.
- Ability to interact with tutors on demand - reduces stress and anxiety of students.
- Improved real-time communications with tutors and/or student partners - enables improvement in confidence and a “can-do” feeling.
- Learn more with access to helpful tools because of technology - increases levels of motivation.

The Old Way & The New Way
The Old Way & The New Way
Convenience Used To Be Just That - But Came With Its Own Challenges
Want Food & Don’t Have Time to Cook
Pizza Delivery: it's Cheap, but it's also super unhealthy to eat pizza all the time
Like to Listen My Favorite Songs
CDs: It's expensive to buy an entire CD just so you can listen to your favourite song! Plus you need to carry around multiple CDs.
Want To Watch Movies At Home
Video Rental: Late fees on movies add up fast, You're also limited to the vidoe store's inventory when you visit.
Don’t Want To Drive Car When Travelling
Yellow Taxis: Rides can get expensive. It can also be a difficult to hail a taxi.(Hopefully one comes down on the street when you need it!)
Until Convenience Married Real Goodness - And You Got High Quality Services That Transformed Industries & Your Life
Real Restaurant Food Delivered On-Demand and Anywhere
On Demand Streaming Music with Personalized Playlists for You
On-Demand Video Streaming with Personalized Recommendations - Not Limited by Inventory
Yellow Taxis: On-Demand Taxi Ride Hailing from Anywhere, at Anytime
You Can Now Get The Same Convenience & Goodness To Accelerate Your Child’s Math Learning
High quality personalized tutoring for each child from the convenience of home
Affordable & Convenient - no commuting or waiting outside learning centers save time for parents and students
High quality and elite math tutors who are dedicated to each student and monitor and coach every day
Continuous feedback with auditable progress monitoring for each student
Personalize learning for each student based on their capabilities and speed of learning for each topic
Constantly analyze and macro-tailor content for each student everyday
Never allowing student to get frustrated by getting stuck on math problem - provide question specific video tutorials + timely grading and feedback
Provide convenient to practice anytime, anywhere including private 1:1 tutoring sessions
Convenience Translates to Time Saving, Reduced Distractions, Increased Focus on Learning
Here's What Is Going To Happen When You Sign Up With Us

You will be able to improve the math fitness of your child at a rate that you have never seen before.
You can forget about not hitting your child’s academic goals and having them not feel good about themselves.
You will be able to start seeing improvements in your child’s math performance within 3 months.
You will get rid of hoping and praying for improvement.
You can start to see your child’s confidence soar, and both you and your child will feel happy, empowered, and motivated.
Your child will be rid of anxiety and fear of math.
You will be able to see your child become a critical thinker, and be able to unpack problems with a strong foundation in understanding the core concepts.
You will no longer be in the dark about your child’s preparedness for college and life as you will be able to start tracking performance improvement in your child as soon as you begin our program.
You can reduce frustrations that your child has with math learning as you will get a dedicated elite tutor who will be coaching your child to math success.
You can finally get rid of any tutoring programs or tutors that are not helping you and costing you a lot of money.
You and your child will finally have a few extra hours per week to spend with family and other activities.
You no longer need to commute for math classes and waste precious time with your family with our digital delivery model.
You can get to see the same amazing “before-after” results that many of our students have been able to see in both school work and tests and any other standardized tests if you execute properly.
You can stop worrying and wondering whether your child will see improvements like with other tutoring programs where you are unable to track performance improvement.
You will start to see improvements in other areas of your child’s life. They will develop a positive attitude with the discipline and planning that they inculcate once they understand that diligent and consistent hard work lead to a big payoff.
You no longer have to worry if your child is developing the right attitude for success in life.
Of Course We Back Everything Up With A Guarantee. Meaning If We Don’t Deliver On Our Promises, You Don’t Pay A Dime.
We have seen that students who are enrolled for 6 months or more in our All-Stars plans do the following at minimum see significant success in our program. We are not surprised.
So how does our guarantee work? Very simple. Students & Parents complete the following SIX simple activities and you should begin to see results.
Student completes a minimum of 10 worksheets every week
Student views 80% of all video tutorials that are assigned with the worksheets
Student reviews all worksheet feedback from the Thinkster tutor every day
Parents discuss & align to rolling 30-day objectives with the assigned tutor every month
Students attend a minimum of two tutoring sessions per month
Parents submit Net Promoter Score feedback every month
Again, This Is For:

You Are a Parent Who Wants to See Your Child Do Well in Math
- 1 But struggling to find an alternative to Kumon that engages and motivates your child, and also gives them the ability to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills
- 2 Your child does not enjoy doing the repetitive worksheets from Kumon.
- 3 You are frustrated that Kumon does not give word problems to challenge your child.
- 4 Your child will take a second online practice test.
- 5 You find it difficult to travel to the Kumon center each week.
- 6 You want some added convenience with a higher quality math program.
Or, Maybe You Are a Mom or Dad, Motivated to Give Your Children the Best Education
- 1 But your kids are not showing any interest in math
- 2 You feel extremely frustrated
- 3 You know your children are intelligent, but you need to make them feel more confident and comfortable with math.
- 4 You struggle to get your kids to engage in any learning program.
- 5 You feel stressed to make sure that your kids can live up to their potential.