Last Updated on August 31, 2021 by Thinkster
Money word problems are a common type found in second grade math. When your child is stumped, how can you help? One of the easiest ways to solve 2nd grade money word problems is to look for keywords.
Keywords are clue words that tell the student what operation they should do. Helping your second grader identify these keywords will make 2nd grade money word problems much easier to tackle. Here are some common keywords and what they typically mean:
How can you use the idea of clue words to help your child with 2nd grade money word problems? Teach your child to read the problem and identify these keywords. She should circle or underline the keyword. Then, have her fill in the numbers. For a subtraction problem, the larger number should be placed on the top of the subtraction problem. For addition, the order does not matter. Once she knows the numbers and the operation, your child should have an easier time solving a problem.
If your child continues to struggle with money word problems, further help may be needed. Instead of rushing off to a tutoring center, why not invest in iPad-based tutoring program? This will give your child the chance to practice 2nd grade money word problems at home, and give you a way to track progress.
Thinkster Math is a program designed by teachers that offers individualized instruction. It can help you monitor your child’s progress as you help him with 2nd grade money word problems. Your child will want to play with this fun and engaging app, even if he is not excited about math. With the help of Thinkster Math, money word problems can become as simple as 2 + 2!