Last Updated on May 26, 2022 by Thinkster
Geometry in kindergarten? While your little student is not going to be trying out theorems and solving proofs in kindergarten, important geometry concepts are introduced even in the very first year of school. Here are some tips you can use to help your child succeed in kindergarten geometry with a little extra practice at home.
Kindergarten geometry focuses largely on finding and identifying shapes. By the end of kindergarten, your child should be able to identify circles, squares, rectangles, and ovals easily. If you want to help your child be advanced in this subject, and your child has a good grasp of these four basic shapes, begin to introduce octagons, hexagons, and pentagons. If your child can find these shapes in the real world, his kindergarten geometry knowledge is excellent.
The attributes of a shape are its parts. Sides and angles are the two most basic parts of a shape. Once your kindergartner has mastered the different shapes, encourage them to start looking at the attributes of the shape. Help your child identify angles and sides on shapes they see every day.
Another concept found in kindergarten geometry is the concept of size. Your child should be able to identify which of a group of similar shapes is the biggest and smallest. Ordering the shapes from largest to smallest and smallest to largest is also a valuable practice. You can help with this by giving your child actual objects to order, rather than just shapes on paper. Make it into a game to keep it fun and challenging so your child can think of other items that are bigger or smaller than the item you are looking at together.
A cube, cylinder, sphere, and pyramid are all shapes that your kindergartner comes in contact with on a daily basis. Once the two-dimensional shapes are known well, add in discussions about the three-dimensional shapes, and start finding them in everyday life. The can of vegetables you are opening for dinner can turn into a geometry lesson quite quickly.
If you want to give your child further kindergarten geometry practice, consider investing in a kindergarten math tutoring program. Thinkster can help ensure that your young learner gets off on the right math foot by encouraging practice and engagement through a digital learning program. With Thinkster, your child can practice key kindergarten concepts under the oversight of qualified coaches who ensure that these crucial concepts are learned and retained through the convenience of technology. Our math learning program for tablets/computers/laptops makes learning fun, with rewards points and competition, to keep kids engaged in their learning.