Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by user
If your struggles in , there’s a chance it could be because of the strategies or used to teach .
Although children might learn a , the information might not “stick.” That is, the child may soon forget what she learned.
Enhancing the experience for a with innovative ways and methods, such as providing on computers and tablets, makes more fun, resulting in increased retention of concepts and a deeper .
Here are some tips and tricks that can help make more fun and remember the information so it can be used when needed in the future.
Song lyrics can be easy to remember because music reinforces words. Turning facts into a song can help your child remember the facts and develop better – at least long enough to transfer from short-term to long-term memory.
Another bonus to songs is that kids don’t get tired of hearing or singing them over and over again. In fact, that’s kind of the point of a song – to listen to it over and over again!
A mnemonic is a saying that corresponds to a set of facts that needs to be memorized. Mnemonics help some kids learn math facts, while others don’t seem to remember the mnemonic any better than the facts themselves. One common mnemonic is “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally,” which helps kids remember the order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction.
Games are a great way to practice various operations so that they are mastered and remembered. These games can be online, board games, or card games.
For example, Monopoly is great for adding and subtracting larger numbers. Some card games can also help learn math facts. If you find the right games, kids may not even realize that they are having fun and learning!
Cheat sheets don’t seem like they would be a good thing, but they can actually help students learn math. They give students repeated exposure to the material students need to learn while increasing their confidence when completing their work.
Allowing students to color their own math charts can help them remember how things look visually. Coloring is also a fun activity that will help associate math with fun activities rather than unpleasant ones. And when kids find math fun, they become eager participants in their own learning.
There are all sorts of math tricks and shortcuts to help kids remember math facts. Kids like to learn tricks because it feels like they are learning cool methods that are different from the expected strategies.
Here are some of our favorite math hacks and tricks to turn your student into a math champion!
Using purchased flashcards can help kids learn math facts, but they may become boring over time. Having kids create their own flashcards is more effective at helping them learn the facts, and they are more likely to want to use them when they’re self-made, too!
Using methods like these will help children memorize and learn math facts and concepts, which are the building blocks for more advanced math. Kids who master basic concepts and facts are more likely to have greater self-confidence when furthering their math knowledge.
You can also try online math tutoring programs or apps such as Thinkster Math!
Our tutoring program leverages to help our hyper-personalize the plan. and AI/
The tutor daily. If there is a particular or that your child struggles with, the tutor will include this into the plan. When your child solves a , they also have video tutorials available to help support that particular . plan is monitored by a dedicated, elite
Our world-class curriculum also includes various important skills – computational, analytical, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. We help students develop strong skills so that they feel confident tackling any type of they encounter – especially !
Plus, using a computer or tablet is a great way to keep engaging and ensure your child is staying on a track that optimizes their potential!
If you’d like to get more learning content from Thinkster Math, sign up for email updates in the right column. You can also get learn about our services and get your child their own dedicated online math tutor here.