Our Incredible Thinksters

Malin is consistently working towards her goals set in Thinkster every month and it shows in her school work! This is just one example of the math scores Malin has achieved in a marking period... 100!

The figure above showing Suprav scoring in the 97th-99th percentile in the North Carolina MAP test within a year after using Thinkster.

Soham performed at Master's Grade Level in Texas Assessment in Math after using Thinkster.

The figure shows how Alyssa, a second grader showed performance at the 5th grade level in the STAR Math Assessment, just a year after she started doing Thinkster Math!

Before starting Thinkster, Kiara was falling behind in Math, but these days she tackles complex word problems and has built strong calculation skills which have led her to achieve the highest band in the Australian Naplan National Test.

Carys received the highest possible score on the SBAC! According to SBAC, students performing at this standard are demonstrating advanced progress towards master of mathematics knowledge & skills.

Adrian did amazingly well on the 5th grade NAPLAN National Test - scoring in the highest possible band.

Kaydee showed off the chart performance on the NAPLAN!

Suhani went from Stage 2 (Score 485) to Stage 4 (score 547) performance in Math scores on the Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) in less than a year.
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!