Our Incredible Thinksters

Varsha has been with Thinkster for over a year now. She has been a model Thinkster and is currently taking pre-algebra at school while she is in 6th grade. This puts her 2 years ahead in math!

Eric is a 2nd Grade student already working in Grade 3 curriculum January 2022!

Caden has increased his productivity and shown 19% growth in past 90 Days! Because of doing Thinkster daily and his coaches assistance, math as become an easy subject for Caden in school. His school teacher has to give him higher level math to challenge him!

Hannah is a 2nd grade student working two grades above grade level! She has begun Grade 4 curriculum January 2022!

Luca has always been good at math. He scored 99% on his MAPs test and is learning math concepts well above his grade level. He also loves science and animals. His favorite animals are cheetah and peregrine falcon because they are the fastest land animal and bird. He plays soccer and takes tae kwon do. He's loves the beach as well as skiing and hiking.

Xavior is always very engaged during his coaching sessions and asks such thoughtful questions about the math concepts and processes! Xavior is in 5th grade, and he naturally excels at everything he does. Although Xavior is best known for his amazing baseball skills, he also enjoys playing basketball and flag football. Xavior displays outstanding athleticism, but he is also extremely intelligent. He earned the highest score in his school on the mock state math assessment. Xavior successfully balances academics and sports; he is the ultimate scholar-athlete!!

Michio felt very confident and did well on the math sections of the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE), thanks to his practice on Thinkster!

Rayna's test scores have improved significantly with the supplemental work she does with Thinkster!

Aiden has been preforming incredibly well in his 8th grade math classes! 2nd quarter, and he has straight As!

Milan is an incredibly accomplished student! Second quarter scores this year show straight As. Keep up the fantastic work!

When Lou works on new math topics, she asks great questions and takes notes during her Thinkster sessions! This is helping her progress so much because she then has reference pages to use when working independently or when those topics come up for school. Her work ethic is exemplary! Her Thinkster Coach says, "I have to watch the time closely in our sessions because it's so easy to lose track of time since our sessions are so fun.'

Melody has not been with Thinkster for long but she has been an exemplary student. She smashes the points goals every month and is showing a great amount of progress through our program. She is also so sweet and wonderful to work with in sessions.

Emma is consistently completing over 10 worksheets every week and it has shown! She is working above grade level and is excelling in her school topics.

Daniel is being nominated for Hall of Fame because he has such a great work ethic and will complete numerous Thinkster worksheets so that he can understand a certain concept. He never backs down from a challenge. He recently took the PSAT as a ninth grader and scored in the ninety-third percentile in Math. He has also piloted our Algebra I and Geometry Thinkster curriculum and gave us great feedback to make the course even better.

Max has a strong drive in solving all problems and facing all problems head on. He also is just an all around amazing student! He's really good at Mandarin Chinese and loves learning about it!

Veer is in 1st grade but is already working on 2nd grade work. He is persistent, a quick learner, and has a natural knack for math. Not only is Veer a great math student, but he also loves playing Soccer and Taekwondo - and he does great in them as well!

Sophia's skills and confidence have grown so much in math. She is always ready to learn and works so hard during her sessions! One super cool thing she recently accomplished is being able to deadlift her own weight!

Emma has shown tremendous progress and scored in the 99th percentile in Math after joining Thinkster!

Riya scored in the 97th Percentile in Math on her recent state test & was placed in Advanced math this year!

Tanmai's report card shows just how incredible she is doing in 4th grade this year! Just look at her score in math - 100%!!

Mehur is in 4th grade and received acknowledgement that her skills demonstrate she can compete internationally! She has been doing extremely great in math, and Thinkster has helped her achieve her goals. She loves math and loves to do new experiments. She not only loves to play basketball but loves to dance as well.
Thinksters Who Have Seen Awesome Results
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!