Our Incredible Thinksters

Maya trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. She's received a promotion to yellow/white belt. She is very active at school. She plays violin in her fifth grade orchestra. She is also an active member on the student council association. She participated in the girls on the run program this past fall.

Meera has been placed the in Advanced Math curriculum in school and scored 95%!

Julian trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He received a promotion to gray/black belt. He enjoys wrestling. He loves to play chess!

Riya got the "Most Consistent" award in Taekwondo. She also got the Excellence award in 2nd and 3rd grade in her school.

Emma is in 4th grade. She has excelled in all her classes so far this school year. Emma is also a 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She is working towards her 2nd degree testing. Emma also enjoys gymnastics, swimming, soccer, and coding.

Last Fall, Evangeline started her first year at a school for the gifted and she was nervous about being able to keep up. And now, she has earned straight A's on both her report cards with math being her best subject!

Leila is an example Thinkster student. She has been with the program about a year and consistently does 1-2 worksheets daily. She is working a whole grade level ahead both in Thinkster and in school. Her coach shares, "With Thinkster, we are able to work with her current grade level, Alg 1) and fill in topics from the grade she skipped (8th grade) in school. Leila is a well rounded student with lots of extra curricular activities. A pleasure to work with!"

Arko was placed in the Gifted Math program, and this image shows his awesome first quarter results!

Aliya is such a hard working student! She has made tremendous progress over the past few years. She has gone from working below grade level to working on grade level, and even working on a few topics above grade level. She is always up for a challenge!

Alina has been making amazing progress with Thinkster! Once something clicks with her, she loves to keep going with it! She is currently in Kindergarten, but working on 2nd grade math.

Sanya has been working hard in Thinkster for over 1.5 years. She's nearly complete with the third grade curriculum, and her 3rd grade school math scores reflect her mastery!

Soham has been a Thinkster student for over 3.5 years - and he is extremely hardworking! He's awesome work is carrying through to the classroom, where he has a 100% in math!

Elise excels in math! She transitioned last year to an English classroom, and has been thriving and performing incredibly well. Thinkster keeps her ahead and confident! She performs above grade-level and wows her parents, teachers and peers!

She is scoring 99% in accuracy rate for the past several weeks in Thinkster. She is performing above her grade level at school!

Divya has moved above her grade level in Thinkster and is consistently scoring at 99 percentile at her school!

Shout out to Ayansh, who received an Excellence in Academics Award his marking period. Great job!!

Vihaan is a strong math student, who has consistently performed well in school! He received an Excellence in Academics Award for the 2020-2021 school year.

Clara has become more confident in Math, studies a grade ahead, and got into the GOAL program at her school! Awesome work, Clara!

Albert has been working on his multiplication worksheets and doing very well. He is achieving a 90% or better on all of them.

Artem has been achieving a 95% or better on all of his division worksheets. He is working above grade level and doing very well.

Sai has been performing extremely well in all of his classes, and has received certificates recognizing his great achievement with his fact fluency skills!
Thinksters Who Have Seen Awesome Results
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!