Our Incredible Thinksters

Aaryan is currently working on our Algebra 1 and Geometry programs. and he has been with Thinkster since he was in Grade 1. He has made tremendous progress in Thinkster. He is a very hardworking and dedicated student.

Tyler is in Martial Arts and has entered his first competition this year. He joined 2 categories and won a bronze medal in one and a gold in the other. He loves Parkour and has also started flag football last year. On his first time on the league, his team won second place and for the fall season they won the championship! He always goes full force on a math challenge and has gained so much confidence this last year in Thinkster.

Amir is naturally gifted when it comes to math and Thinkster gives him the ability to explore skills above his grade level. He has amazing critical thinking skills and picks things up very quickly. He has a 4.0 GPA and scored in the 95% percentile for MAP testing. He is also on the school Science Olympiad team, studies coding and is an amazing baseball player.

Aneesha's math skills have grown so much with all of her Thinkster practice. She always works so hard and has improved her ability to critique her own work and correct her mistakes. Her hard work has awarded her with becoming a Math Honor student in school. She also is a great singer and performed solo in various recitals/musicals and gave performances in various musical choirs. She is currently a red belt in Taekwondo and working towards her black belt.

Elena is a very hard working Thinkster student. She pushes herself to learn new skills and perseveres when concepts become difficult. She also loves reading and has received a reward for reading over 50 books by the end of 2021. She is also very involved in gymnastics and works very hard to become better every day.

Preston is a model Thinkster student. He is always enthusiastic for our Thinkster sessions and always has a big smile on his face. You can see the spark in his eyes when he understands a more difficult concept. He just received his brown belt for martial art taekwondo and only has two more belts to go until reaching black belt!

Sahir has improved his critical thinking skills and his perseverance since starting Thinkster. He is currently in 6th grade and is working on some skills from 8th grade. He is always interested in challenging himself and perfecting his skills.

Luke has been with Thinkster for almost 2 years now and has improved his math skills since starting Thinkster. He is always prepared for our Thinkster sessions and has the ability to break problems apart and think of them in different ways. He always impresses me with how amazing he can explain his thinking verbally in sessions. He also plays the Ukulele and was awarded "Best Player".

Long is a great kid and is naturally gifted when it comes to math. He is very hard working and is always looking for ways to improve his math skills. He was placed in advanced math this year and has received the "Dolphin Award" for his academic excellence.

Iniya is so hard working and has improved her math skills since working with Thinkster. She is currently in 5th grade and is working on skills in 6th grade and loves to challenge herself. She always sets high expectations for herself on Thinkster and in school and she deserves to be recognized for her hard work.

Manu always challenges himself and works so hard on Thinkster. Thinkster helps him improve his skills that he is working on in school and improves his confidence. He is currently a freshman starter on the school football team and he won 1st place at a town wide trivia challenge.

Victoria has been a star student in Thinkster and at home. She works so hard and is always prepared and enthusiastic for our Thinkster sessions. She has improved her critical thinking skills since starting Thinkster and is excelling in her advanced placement math class in school. She always perseveres when something becomes difficult whether in Thinskter or in dance. She recently got High Gold at the most recent dance competition with her Trio and has been on High Honor Roll all year. I always look forward to our tutoring sessions!

Bradley is hard working and uses Thinkster to challenge himself. He is always requesting more difficult material and has a natural ability in math. He has picked up numerous new skills the past year including playing clarinet, horseback riding, and coding. His coding skills have earned him recognition in the coding community since he has completed 2 levels of scratch in 3 months, which is half the time it usually takes.

Jiseo has been a star student in Thinkster and at home. I can count on her to be enthusiastic for our Thinkster sessions and is always prepared. She is also an amazing soccer player, dancer, and violinist. Recently, her soccer team won a tournament. She was also selected to perform the Nutcracker with professional dancers and was the only person in her math class to get a 100% on her most recent test. She is also currently 2nd violin chair in her school orchestra.

Krish joined us when he was in Kindergarten. He is in Grade 4 right now and almost ready to work on the Grade 5 curriculum. He has shown amazing growth in Thinkster and is very hardworking.

Udit is a very hardworking kid and a true Thinkster. He has made Honor Roll in his school!

Adit is a great kid and very hardworking Thinkster. He has made Honor Roll in his school and deserves a shout out.

Jacob is only in kindergarten, but working on 4th grade level work! He loves math and challenging himself!

Zoe's standardized test results were incredible this year! She demonstrated "excelling" performance - and scored 630 out of a possible 634. Zoe has been a rockstar the entire time she has been with Thinkster. She tested at the 98th percentile of her class on recent testing and is working in the gifted program at school. She has truly excelled in her math skills!

Izzy is a hard-working young student. She is working above her grade level and is always willing to accept a challenge of harder work. She finished our kindergarten matrix in a flash!

Zain catches on quickly to math concepts and does not let anything stand in his way of gaining understanding. He does a wonderful job expressing his thinking verbally in sessions. Not only has he seen stellar score improvement, but his confidence has really grown with Thinkster!
Thinksters Who Have Seen Awesome Results
Countries Where Thinksters Are From
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!