Our Incredible Thinksters

Sahana received an honor student certificate this semester (2022)!

Jewel has scored 23 out of 25 for STAY STRONG assessment c conducted by her school district. Her main hobbies include listening to music, playing piano, and acting.

Capri has consistently scored in the highest percentile for math in her class this year. Because of the amazing tutoring from her Thinkster coach, Capri's confidence with school work is at an all time high!

Angel has scored 23 out of 25 for her STAY STRONG Assessment conducted by her school district. She is also artist of the month.

Siri has struggled in the past with math with always just approaching grade level. She kept on working hard with her daily worksheets and now in middle school(6th grade), she has been constantly doing well with most of her scores on test and assignments at 100%. This is true testament of the hard work she put in and that Thinkster makes sure that she has a good foundation of knowledge. Siri may not always enjoy doing the worksheets but she puts in her work and her Thinkster Coach has been a great asset in helping her gain the confidence that her parents always knew she had to do well in math.

Jeremiah has learned so much with the help of Thinkster, and scored a 92% on his recent math assessment test in school. He continues to work hard, show true grit and persistence, and never gives up. Keep up the wonderful work!

Pranav has shown a lot of interest in working on math problems and always aces the tests with ease and aims to perfect himself with every mistake made. Apart from academics, he is also a Taekwondo blue belt holder and an enthusiastic learner in playing keyboard

Advik is in 4th grade. He scored an A+ in Math both in his First Semester and Q3.

Maeve has achieved a score of 100 on every math assessment this year (except for one test-which as a 96). She also scored a 19 out of 20 on her Start Strong math assessment. Recently she received her blue belt level 2 in Tae Kwon Do!

Anish is in 8th grade. In Math, He scored A+ and A in Semester 1 and Q3 respectively.

Akshara is very hardworking kid and has shown great progress in Thinkster. Academically, she is in Grade 5 but she is working on the 7th-grade curriculum of Thinkster. Way to go, Akshara!

Louis has advanced leaps and bounds in his math skills with his wonderful Thinkster coach Laura Snyder. He was a grade level behind in math in 3rd/beginning 4th grade and now he is receiving As in math and part of his school's enrichment math program. He is dedicated to his schoolwork and takes pride in doing well. He loves to learn - especially history and current events - and enjoys reading and absorbing new knowledge. He loves a good debate too! He manages his school work and involvement in baseball, basketball, and piano lessons. He lives life fully, has a deeply kind soul, and has a great sense of humor too!

Ishaan has shown amazing growth in Thinkster. Academically, he is in Grade 7 but he has already completed almost half of the Grade 8 curriculum in Thinkster along with some Algebra 1 concepts. He scored a 100.39% in his math scores. He is part of the Science and Math club in his school and loves to play Tennis and Soccer.

Ekam is a 3rd grader in academic year and doing extremely well in 4th Grade Math of Thinkster. She is always appreciated and awarded by her school.

"Zen is a delight to have in class! He is currently working above grade level. Zen perseveres and does not give up. He is quiet and thoughtful about his work, and once something clicks he can't wait to share his thinking!" - Michelle, Zen's Thinkster Coach

Ayaan is working above grade level and taking ownership of his own learning by identifying what areas he still needs practice! He has been showing great growth!

Mahi is working in Math above her current school grade level, and Thinkster has helped her in school a lot. In her free time she plays drums and plays tennis.

Isla's parents are very grateful for their daughter's Thinkster coach, who helped motivate their daughter and helped her understand a new type of math (CGI - with more abstract thinking). Isla improved from the bottom and now to the top of her class. Now in 3rd grade, she actually helps her classmates with her CGI thinking of math! Her confidence with Math has out shined and has continued in her other activities, such as swimming and how she uses her math techniques in the water and her daily activities!

Over the past couple of years Skylar put in extra effort in math to keep herself sharp and most recently achieved a perfect score on her math test! She balanced this with playing soccer, learning to rock climb, and teaching herself graphic design skills on her iPad.

Alexander was recently moved to the advanced mathematics program at his school. It is uncommon for this to happen in the middle of the school year, and he was able to accomplish this while juggling a demanding violin and travel hockey schedule.

Kiran has advanced two grades and is so much more confident with his math skills!
Thinksters Who Have Seen Awesome Results
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!