Our Incredible Thinksters

In the 2024 Math Kangaroo, competition Vyaan secured an impressive 3rd place in Arizona and 38th in the US! Vyaan's father shares, "This accomplishment speaks volumes about his hard work and the exceptional resources and mentorship provided by your team. We deeply appreciate your dedication to fostering Vyaan's mathematical talents and contributing to his success."

Leila is a hard worker, and has also excelled in piano and swimming. She passed a test and was invited to the UK for her piano skills!

Thinkster Math has greatly increased Victor's confidence and ability to think analytically. His math coach has been an outstanding source of support and instruction. Victor is in 3rd grade, but testing at the 5th grade standardized math level! He scored in the 98% of students in the third grade.

"I have been working with Sophie for almost 3 years. In that time she has moved ahead 2 grade levels in math at school. She is always prepared for our sessions with a question or topic she wants to work on, and she is an absolute delight to spend time with!" - Sophie's Thinkster Tutor, Jennifer

Whenever students do something exemplary at school, the Teachers can recognize that student by giving them a "Red Hot". Maya has received 8 Red Hots so far. She has had lunch with the Principal and received a Certificate for displaying empathy. She is playing Basketball and the violin as well.

Brian has been playing violin and while he's in middle school, he plays with a high school senior! He most recently played Bach Concerto on the violin. He also participates in his school chamber orchestra and they performed three music pieces at the Winter concert. He'll also be performing at Disneyland this Spring. He is very good at coding, and is creating a 3D game & creating objects on his 3D printer. He also enjoys surfing and dancing during his free time.

Navneeth is an extremely hard-working Thinkster! His results on the 6th Grade Star Assessment were amazing - and he scored in the 90th percentile!

Thea embodies a true Thinkster and has shown awesome results! In 2021, she finished 5th grade with first honors. Way to go, Thea!

Kayla she is such an impressive young lady! On top of her Thinkster progress, she is in numerous extracurricular activities, as well as Jr. Beta National Honor Society!

Virat excels in academics as well as extracurricular activities. He enjoys tennis, the piano, and math. He received a flawless FSA score and a certificate of appreciation from Florida's Governor. That's not all: He's in the school's gifted program and ranks in the top 1% on the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC-III). Truly amazing!

Kiersten learns new and more challenging material with Thinkster. With the help of her coach, she was able to raise her NWEA test scores from 81st percentile after remote learning to 99th percentage in 6 months. That's with even taking some months off for a break!

Arya is working above grade level and continues to ask for new challenges. When given a new concept she masters it quickly and utilizes this new information to help her problem solve when approaching a new concept. She is always willing to keep pushing herself to extend her math abilities.

Niam has consistently been working above grade level in Thinkster. He is currently working two levels above his current grade level! He utilizes Thinkster tools and sessions to help and continues to push himself to the next level.

GianCarlo is in Kindergarten and already working on a 3rd grade level! He is always up to learning new things and wants to challenge himself!

Eden is also amazing in both in and outside of Thinkster! She is about to make the local swim team, is an amazing artist who has painted 28 pictures, has traveled the world, and been on ten cruises and has visited 23 states. She is also very involved in gymnastics, piano and tennis.

Kaitlyn is on high honor roll at school. She is a AAA hockey player who hits the ice for practice 6 to 7 days of the week. Kaitlyn's Thinkster coach shares, "She has so many wonderful qualities. She is kind, conscientious, and caring. She stands out with Thinkster because of her grit. Kaitlyn is willing to work hard and put in the effort necessary to learn challenging concepts. She is very resilient, works problems until she gets them right, and never gives up when she is challenged. Her perseverance amazes me."

He has greatly improved in his critical thinking and his math scores in school have greatly improved. He's always in the top 3 in his class.

Henry is a talented math student. He is in 4th grade in school, and is almost finished with the 5th grade curriculum on Thinkster!

He has been with Thinkster for about 2+ years, and has some incredible accomplishments! 1. He plays the electric guitar and has already participated in many shows with his band at various events. 2. He got multiple awards in chess at the state level. 3. Likes to participate in spelling bees. 4. His math and reading skills are consistently above grade level, so he usually breezes through school.

Adelaide has been with Thinkster for a year now. She is in third grade, and she is almost half-way through the 4th grade matrix. She consistently earns over 10,000 points per month because she completes her worksheets routinely and exceeds her goals. She always has a positive attitude and willingness to grow as a student! In school, Adelaide cares deeply for others and makes certain that there is peace around her. She is cooperative, friendly, and compassionate Furthermore, Adelaide is extremely artistic - she spends her free time drawing, painting, and creating graphic art!

Nora's math skills have grown so much with all of her Thinkster practice. She is also excelling in Karate. Just look at that trophy!
Thinksters Who Have Seen Awesome Results
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Math Score Improvement within 6 Months!