Absolute Value
Understanding absolute value of positive numbers, negative numbers, fractions and decimals. Comparing absolute values of rational numbers and applying the understanding.
Mapped to CCSS Section# 6.NS.C.7, 6.NS.C.7d, 6.NS.C.7c, 6.NS.C.8
Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.,Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order. For example, recognize that an account balance less than – 30 dollars represents a debt greater than 30 dollars.,Understand the absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line; interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world situation. For example, for an account balance of – 30 dollars, write |- 30| = 30 to describe the size of the debt in dollars.,Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate.