What is 95/24 as a mixed number?

A mixed number is another way to represent an improper fraction - it essentially comprises two parts: a whole number and a proper fraction. The main idea behind this conversion is that the mixed number is obtained by actually dividing the numerator by the denominator. When you divide an improper fraction, you will get a quotient and a remainder. The quotient becomes your whole number and the remainder becomes the new numerator, while the denominator stays the same. Read more below for a detailed step-by-step walkthrough from Thinkster.

Solution: 95/24 as a mixed number is 3 23/24


Step-by-step solution of converting 95/24 as a mixed number

There are three basic steps to convert an improper fraction to a mixed number:

  1. Divide the numerator by the denominator (you can use long division if you want to!) to find out what the quotient and the remainder are. If the fraction is made up of whole numbers, you will always get an integer quotient and an integer remainder.
  2. Note down what your quotient, remainder, and original denominator is.
  3. Now rewrite these three numbers in Step 2 in a mixed number format where:
    1. the quotient is the whole number next to the proper fraction
    2. the remainder is the numerator of the proper fraction
    3. the original denominator is the new denominator of the proper fraction

Let’s apply these steps to our problem. What is 95 divided by 24? If you do some thinking or long division, you should get:

95 ÷ 24 → Quotient of 3 and a remainder of 23.

Now that we have all the numbers we need, let’s piece together our answer:

95 ÷ 24 = 3 23/24

Practice solving other mixed number problems:

The best way to become a pro at converting improper fractions to mixed numbers is by practicing. Take a look at some more problems below so that you can solve it without hesitation!

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