What is 37 to the Power of 74?

In order to solve for 37 to the power of 74, we must first understand the structure. The number 37 is called the base, and the number 74 is called the exponent. In short, the base must be multiplied by itself the number of times as the exponent. Let’s look at this problem in more detail.

Solution: 37 to the Power of 74 is equal to 111410873934682069828319789036660887707435461245019175675996806428664416993713662848846590337111946549061897587295289


Step-by-step: finding 37 to the power of 74

The first step is to understand what it means when a number has an exponent. The “power” of a number indicates how many times the base would be multiplied by itself to reach the correct value.

The second step is to write the number in the base-exponent form, and lastly calculate what the final result would be. Consider the example of 2 to the power of 4: in exponent form that would be

. To solve this, we need to multiply the base, 2 by itself, 4 times -
= 16. So
24=162^4 = 16

So re-applying these steps to our particular problem, we first convert our word problem to a base-exponent form of:


To simplify this, all that is needed is to multiply it out:

37 x 37 x 37 x 37 x ... (for a total of 74 times) = 111410873934682069828319789036660887707435461245019175675996806428664416993713662848846590337111946549061897587295289

Therefore, 37 to the power of 74 is 111410873934682069828319789036660887707435461245019175675996806428664416993713662848846590337111946549061897587295289.

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