What Skills Will Your Dedicated Coach
Help My Child Develop?
Develop Time Management Skills
When students learn to manage their time, using our industry-leading, best practices-based approach, their stress levels go down, and they become happier & more confident about themselves.
Gain Smart Study Habits
Research clearly shows that highly successful students spend less time studying than their peers do — they just study more effectively. Complex and durable learning comes easily when students follow our research-based strategies that have been demonstrated to work.
Learn Goal Setting
Students need to learn how to set and measure learning goals. When they persist with their learning to achieve their stated goals, they feel more confident and can accomplish significantly more than their own imagined capacities
Develop Organizational Skills and Study Plans
Students should create study plans and develop habits to regularly check/monitor their study plans and track their actions against what they had planned. The result? They study less, but with greater intensity and focus (and without distractions from social media) they see high achievement gains.
Develop Grit
“Enthusiasm is common, endurance is rare.” - Well-known educator Angela Duckworth on developing grit. When students develop an academic mindset of dedication to stick to goals that they set and persevere in their efforts, their academic performance is boosted - and this holds throughout their lives.
Achieve Aspirational & Motivational Goals
Aspirational goals are closely tied to desire and wanting to achieve something great. Psychologists have proved that specific and ambitious goals can lead to a higher level of performance than easy or general goals.
Develop Concentration and Focus
Developing skills to improve concentration and focus allows students to accelerate learning and become efficient in how they learn & how much time they invest in learning. Students see an amplified impact on their reasoning and critical thinking skills.
Develop Growth Mindset
Extensive psychological research studies have shown that those who believe they can develop their talents tend to achieve more than those who feel their abilities are innate and fixed. Those with a growth mindset see opportunities instead of obstacles, choosing to challenge themselves to learn more rather than sticking to their comfort zone.
Build Emotional and Social Wellbeing
Successful students understand and apply social-emotional wellness behaviors, such as coping, managing emotions through gratitude, or adjusting one’s mindset based on what one can control.
How Does It Work?
Two Private 1:1 30 Minute Sessions per Month (Every other week)
Weekly Touch Points via Email/Text to Review Study Plans, Provide Feedback, and Encourage Positive Behavior
24/7 Access to Study Plan Tools, Articles, and Videos to Improve Focus/Concentration Skills, Stay Motivated and Engaged, and More
Real straight-A students don’t study harder—they study smarter. Proven study secrets used by real straight-A students across the country reveal that successful students have the following habits nailed down to a science.
- Goal setting
- Time Management
- Prioritization
- Organizational Skills
- Study habits
American Psychology Association Shares Decades of
Research Proving Effectiveness of Studying Smarter
Comprehensive studies by psychologists and researchers at multiple universities have found that studying smarter has significant impact on accelerating learning curves. The research has clearly demonstrated that Spacing, Interweaving and Self-Testing - coupled with remarkable organizational skills - help students to learn more effectively.
They also have recognized that practicing these methods is hard work - and call these strategies as “desirable difficulties.” “In the short term it's easier not to use these strategies, but in the long term it pays off a thousand times over," says Professor and Psychologist, Nate Kornell, PhD.
Comprehensive Meta Analysis Study Finds Study Habits,
Skills & Attitude Improved Academic Performance
In comprehensive research reported in the Journal of Perspectives on Psychological Science (Crede, 2008), study habits, skills, and attitude of the students were found to substantially predict improved cognitive ability and academic performance.
Good learning habits helps students organize their efforts to solve problems, develop skills, acquire knowledge and complete school obligations.
*SHSA= Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes
The Old Way
Students practiced study habits that included cramming at the last minute, re-reading text multiple times, underlining or highlighting text, or lack of practice of math problems.
Students did not have a written study plan and plans were ad-hoc and made up each day.
Students did not have good organizational skills. They were not sure how to balance study times with other social activities.
There was no fixed study times for each day of the week.
Goals were not set for their study times.
The New Way
Students practice study habits that have been recommended based on best practices and research - including Spacing, Interweaving and Self-Testing.
Students have a well written study plan that they follow each day.
Students organize their weekly calendar and have a balance between study times and other social activities, with thought out breaks in-between to give themselves sufficient time to be well rested between study sessions.
Students pick fixed study times each day and make sure that they are free from distractions.
They set goals for what they want to accomplish at the end of each study session.
The Old Result
You get frustrated that even though you studied hard, you were not getting the desired results.
You always feel that you are playing catch-up since you did not have any study-plans and end up cramming material instead of learning them.
You seldom have the time to understand the material you are covering as you are always playing catch-up. You end up trying to memorize your way to getting good grades.
You feel less confident about your abilities and you start to think that you are incapable of achieving good grades.
The New Result
You feel confident, happy and inspired by your results given that you worked hard.
You thoroughly understand all the concepts you have studied and feel that you do not have to keep studying the same concepts again and again as you already understand the material.
You have more time on your hands and you are able to pick up the pace of your study plans.
You feel good about yourself and are able to spend time with friends and family without feeling guilty that you are missing out on study time. You feel relaxed.
You are motivated to keep learning as you now are not too concerned about just the results, but because you are enjoying the process of studying. You become a rockstar student who is able to study smart and not study hard.
Research clearly shows that highly successful students actually spend less time studying than their peers do—they just study more effectively.
When students study less, but with greater intensity and focus consistently, and without distractions from social media, they make high achievement gains.
Time management and organizational skills provide the foundation for accelerated learning when coupled with great study habits.
Grit Matters to Achieve Higher
Learning Outcomes
Students need to set and measure learning goals. When they persist with their learning to achieve their stated goals, their confidence increases and they are able to accomplish significantly more than their own imagined capacities.

Source: angeladuckworth.com
Angela Duckworth is the founder and CEO of Character Lab, a nonprofit whose mission is to advance scientific insights that help children thrive. She is also a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and in 2013 was named a MacArthur Fellow. Prior to her career in research, she was a math and science teacher at public schools in New York City, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
Why Grit & Effort Leads to Achievement
Why does effort matter so much?
- talent x effort = skill
- skill x effort = achievement
Talent equates to how quickly your skills improve when you apply effort.
Achievement is the result of using your skill and applying effort.
In other words, effort factors in twice - it increases talent, and then it increases the application of that talent to achieve learning outcomes.
- Someone of lower talent can catch up in skill level by applying effort
- Someone of lower talent can reach the same skill level but achieve more over time by applying the skill with more effort
- Someone of higher talent can achieve less by putting in less effort
Grit + Self-Reflection + Mentor Support
Critical to Personalize Growth Achievement

“I thought I could get better if I kept working at it. Maybe this just isn’t for me?”
Source: EdSurge, 2018, Growth Mindset
Not all students can just have a growth mindset and achieve success. Students want personal proof that their efforts are leading to results. Reflection is a skill that requires practice and feedback, just like anything else. An independent assessment of regular student reflections showed that pupils improved significantly over the course of one semester, and that improvement led to significant growth in academic GPA.
A consistent routine for student reflections, giving timely feedback on them, and making sure they connect the dots between specific actions they are taking and growth, all year, helps students achieve success in their academic pursuits.
The Old Way
Students developed a fixed mindset. Students thought that they either were good in math or bad in math. They thought that this was an inherent natural fact that could not be changed.
Students stuck with what they know to keep up with their confidence.
Students used study habits that did not help them become successful.
Students did not have anyone who asked them to reflect on what they did best and what they were struggling with in terms of their habits.
Students used past failures as predictors of future performance and did not change their approach to studying.
Students did ad-hoc studying with the goal of somehow cramming their way to success.
The New Way
Students develop a growth mindset. The growth mindset believes trouble is just important feedback in the learning process.
Students are given study habits that allow them to succeed by working with a mentor.
Students get a mentor who will make them go through an introspection process to identify what they are good at and what they need help with.
Students recognize that past failures are indicators of specific tasks that they should do better to become successful. Past failures give roadmap to behaviors that define future successes.
Students get an objective process laid out to improve their study habits
Students use data and analysis to focus on what needs to be done to see successful learning outcomes.
The Old Result
In a fixed mindset, it’s all about the outcome. If you fail, you think all effort was wasted.
You become less confident about your abilities as you let failures define what you can and cannot do.
You look inside yourself to find your true passion and purpose, as if this is a hidden inherent thing.
Failures define you.
You hold the belief that you are who you are for the long haul. You believe that the qualities and characteristics you have are fixed and change for the better is difficult or impossible.
The New Result
Your flaws are just a TO-DO list of things to improve.
It’s all about the process of how you study, so the outcome hardly matters.
You commit to mastering valuable skills regardless of mood, knowing passion and purpose come from doing great work, which comes from expertise and experience.
You keep up your confidence by always pushing into the unfamiliar, to make sure you’re always learning.
Failures are only temporary setbacks.
Your develop the belief that a person's qualities are not static, and that with effort and dedication, a person can actually develop the ability to do almost anything.
Make Guaranteed Progress and
Get the Results You Want
The way to guarantee progress with your time is to conduct deliberate practice.
When you have a structured, disciplined way to put in deliberate practice and time, you WILL MAKE guaranteed progress and get the RESULTS you seek.
Deliberate practice consists of 4 steps:
- Set a stretch goal. Focus on a narrow aspect that you want to improve. Set a reach goal that you can’t meet yet.
- Apply full concentration and effort. Many greats do this in isolation, by themselves.
- Receive immediate and informative feedback. Focus on what you can improve.
- Repeat with reflection and refinement. Keep working until you meet that stretch goal. And when you meet it, choose a new stretch goal.
Source: Carol Dweck, Growth Mindset
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